Blue Light and Your Eyes : Why You Need Blue Light filter screen protector
In the age of screen reading, the harmful rays emitted by electronic devices are the “culprits” behind eye disorders. Whether for work, study, or leisure, we spend countless hours in front of smartphones, tablets, and computers. However, this increased screen time poses significant risks to our eye health. Harmful rays emitted by electronic devices are now emerging as major culprits behind various eye disorders.
Effects of Radiation on the Eyes
Radiation from devices like smartphones, iPads, and laptops can cause oxidative reactions in the lens proteins, leading to radiation-induced retinal diseases or optic nerve disorders, which may result in keratitis or iridocyclitis.
Effects of Ultraviolet (UV) Rays on the Eyes
Ultraviolet rays are a significant risk factor for cataracts, and other ocular growths and diseases are also associated with UV exposure.
Effects of Far Infrared Rays on the Eyes
Prolonged exposure to far infrared rays from devices like smartphones and computers may cause cumulative damage to retinal nerve cells.
Effects of Near Infrared Rays on the Eyes
Long-term exposure to near infrared rays can lead to skin photoaging and burns to the lens of the eye, with symptoms including decreased vision, blurriness, double vision, and halos. In severe cases, this can result in cataracts.
Effects of Blue Light on the Eyes
High-energy shortwave blue light can potentially damage the retina if exposure is prolonged and intense. Experts indicate that when blue light wavelengths are below 445 nanometers and the light intensity exceeds a certain threshold, prolonged exposure can lead to photochemical damage to the retina, particularly with shortwave blue light around 435-440 nanometers being the most harmful. Devices like smartphones, computer screens, and LED lights inherently emit significant amounts of this high-energy shortwave blue light, which can lead to irreversible retinal damage and macular degeneration, especially affecting the vision of children and adolescents. PerfectSight features a blue light filter that significantly reduces exposure to harmful blue light, protecting against irreversible retinal damage and macular degeneration, especially in children and adolescents.
Effects of X-rays on the Eyes
X-rays can accelerate the apoptosis of human cells, leading to a decline in immune function and even the potential for tumor development.
Effects of Reflection on the Eyes
Smartphone and computer screens act as reflective surfaces, similar to mirrors. When external light sources are brighter than the screen's brightness, it can cause ghosting and glare, leading to visual fatigue and damage to the cornea and iris, resulting in visual impairment.
Effects of Glare on the Eyes
Screen glare can create central dark spots on the retina, and prolonged stimulation can lead to refractive errors, visual dysfunction, and eye fatigue and discomfort.